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Facial Plastic Surgery


Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Farhad Ardesh: Expert Facial Plastic Surgeon committed to providing exceptional results in facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. With dual board certification and meticulous attention to detail, he is highly sought-after in the Burbank. Formerly an esteemed college instructor at Loma Linda University, Dr. Ardesh's expertise extends to ophthalmology, head and neck surgery, and dermatology.


Rhinoplasty is an intricate and delicate surgery that aims to enhance the shape and structure of your nose. Dr. Ardesh, a highly skilled surgeon, can provide you with exceptional results. After the procedure, you will see a remarkable transformation in your appearance, with improved facial balance and perfect symmetry.

Nose facial plastic surgeon


Balance and elegance

Choose a Burbank facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty and prioritizes aesthetic harmony and facial structure. Dr. Ardesh, a renowned expert in precision reconstructive surgery, is dedicated to delivering exceptional results.


Dual-Board Certified Facial Plastic, Reconstructive, and Hair Surgeon

Dr. Ardesh, a renowned plastic reconstructive surgeon, is transforming Burbank by delivering exceptional and natural-looking results for his patients. With his remarkable talent and artistic skills, he has earned a sterling reputation in the field. Dr. Ardesh is dedicated to providing personalized solutions to meet the unique needs of each patient. Regain your youthfulness with Dr. Ardesh's expertise.

Real Patient Experience


In the digital age, patient reviews hold great weight. Dr. Ardesh has garnered exceptional praise from satisfied clients, who are thrilled with the results of their treatment. He places great emphasis on ensuring that every patient comprehends the available options for achieving their desired appearance, be it through surgical or non-surgical means. Dr. Ardesh firmly values clear communication and goes above and beyond to thoroughly explain each step of the process to his valued clients.


Dr. Ardesh is highly knowledgeable in a variety of non-surgical facial treatments that achieve impressive and enduring results. Whether you desire refreshment for a specific facial area or an overall revitalization, Dr. Ardesh provides treatments that deliver the desired outcome without the need for invasive procedures.

non-surgical facial treatments
Facial rejuvenation


Facial rejuvenation — without the downtime.

What is Face Tite? It's a game-changing skin-tightening technique that is revolutionizing the industry. FaceTite delivers incredible, long-lasting results that are unmatched. Dr. Ardesh offers FaceTite treatments for patients who are experiencing signs of aging but are not ready for a full facelift. Rest assured, Dr. Ardesh is dedicated to providing the most advanced, cutting-edge treatment options to ensure top-notch care for his patients.

Complex Reconstruction


Don't let facial imperfections control your life. Dr. Ardesh, a skilled facial plastic surgeon in Burbank, can help you eliminate scars and other aesthetic concerns that affect your self-esteem. Take back your confidence and improve your quality of life with facial reconstruction surgery.

Call today to schedule an appointment and learn more about the surgical and non-surgical options provided by Dr. Ardesh.

Neck Lift FAQ

Experience a more youthful and refined appearance with a neck lift. This surgical procedure effectively addresses signs of aging in the neck and jawline, including excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue. Dr. Ardesh offers four specialized neck lift surgeries, each tailored to meet individual needs. During consultations, Dr. Ardesh and the patient discuss the most suitable approach.

The Under-Chin Neck LiftTM targets superficial and deep fat beneath the skin, as well as tightens the neck musculature. This transformative surgery involves a 3 cm incision under the chin.

For comprehensive rejuvenation, the Extended Neck Lift combines the benefits of the Under-Chin Neck LiftTM with additional incisions around the ear and hairline. This allows for further tightening of the neck muscles and removal of excess skin.

For remarkable results, the Ardesh RefreshTM combines a deep-plane facelift with the Extended Neck Lift. This combination procedure delivers comprehensive facial rejuvenation and neck enhancement.

Neck lift candidates sought: Those with sagging skin, excess fat, or loose muscle bands in the neck area. Must be in good health, have realistic expectations, and either be non-smokers or be willing to quit smoking during recovery.

Dr. Ardesh performs a personalized neck lift procedure to enhance your appearance. He makes incisions around the ears and under the chin, removing excess muscle and tightening the muscles of the neck. Additionally, any loose skin is trimmed for a smoother and more youthful look.

A neck lift usually lasts 2-3 hours. The length of time can vary depending on the specific procedure and if it is done alongside other facial procedures like a facelift.

Dr. Ardesh's patients usually opt for a neck lift under minimal sedation and local anesthesia. Unlike general anesthesia, this anesthesia method doesn't need a breathing tube or IV. The reason why both Dr. Ardesh and his patients prefer minimal sedation and local anesthesia is because it leads to a quicker and easier recovery. After the procedure, Dr. Ardesh's patients can walk on their own without assistance, without the need for a stretcher or wheelchair. Patients rarely recall any part of the procedure.

After a neck lift, patients may experience temporary swelling and bruising that usually goes away within 1-2 weeks. Pain and discomfort are generally minimal and can be alleviated with prescribed pain medication. While most patients can go back to work after 2 weeks, it is advisable to avoid strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks.

Neck lift surgery comes with risks like infection, hematoma, nerve injury, scarring, and anesthesia complications. Minimize these risks by choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon.

The effects of a neck lift can endure for many years. However, aging persists and various factors like genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices can influence how long the results last. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and safeguarding your skin from sun damage, you can extend the duration of the outcome.

The price of a neck lift can differ based on the surgeon's charges, facility fees, and where you are located. It's essential to understand that a neck lift is classified as a cosmetic procedure.

Find a skilled and certified plastic surgeon by utilizing available resources. Conduct thorough research and consult with multiple surgeons to ensure you make the best choice.


Nose reshaping surgery is one of the most challenging and delicate of all facial procedures. Under the care of Dr. Ardesh, you can expect balance and harmony in your rhinoplasty results.

Rhinoplasty »


A facelift should leave you looking young, refreshed, and rejuvenated – in the most natural way. Dr. Ardesh is widely recognized as being among the most talented facelift surgeons in Los Angeles.

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Neck Lift

An elegant neck, free from excess skin and fat, takes years off your look. When performed by Dr. Ardesh, with advanced surgical techniques, you can be confident that your results will be lovely, fresh, and youthful.

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Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery should leave you looking young, vital, and natural. Dr. Ardesh employs a meticulous surgical technique to ensure his patients achieve the most natural look.

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Brow Lift

A heavy, creased brow can be lifted and restored with brow lift surgery. When performed endoscopically, scarring will be minimal.

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Facial Implants

Facial balance can be thrown off by a receding chin or lack of cheek structure. Facial implants can provide definition, structure, and harmony to your appearance.

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Lip Augmentation

The perfect cupid’s bow, or lush, full lips, are undeniably attractive – when not overdone. Dr. Ardesh brings a new perspective to treatments, focusing on creating a look that appears entirely natural.

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Ear Surgery

Your ears frame your face – but when overlarge, protruding, or oddly-shaped, can be embarrassing. We offer custom ear surgery to create ears that are an enhancement, not something to hide.

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Mole Removal

Dr. Ardesh and his team are highly experienced with mole removal in Beverly Hills and can assist with your cosmetic and pre-cancerous concerns.

Mole Removal

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells that develops on sun-exposed skin, although it may develop anywhere on your body.

Skin Cancer

To learn more about your rejuvenation options with Dr. Ardesh, please schedule an appointment.


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